I hope this newsletter finds you well, a milestone newsletter for me as it’s my 80th one since I started Outfitting hunts in 2008, these newsletters have been hugely successful for me with over 3000 hunters on my subscribed list and growing all the time, thanks for the bookings, the compliments and the continued support.
Please read on for an important offer from DSC to PH’s and Outfitters.
Since my last newsletter that was sent out on the 18th March we had ongoing hunts at that time that I can update you on now prior to the Southern African Lockdowns that came into effect at the end of March and sadly remain in effect for now although I am happy to see and announce that the restrictions are slowly being lifted and that local hunter hunting is now allowed in Zimbabwe and also in South Africa. To all our valued clients please look at the Emirates Airlines and Ethiopian Airlines routings to Zimbabwe, they do not fly via South Africa thus no need to watch the South African Lockdown restrictions in order to hunt in Zimbabwe.
On the Covid 19 note you can be sure that all precautionary measures are and will be in place in our hunting camps in both Matetsi and the Gonarezhou areas of Zimbabwe, besides that please consider that you will be hunting in very remote areas with low to no humans around and that we have not had a single case of Covid 19 within our staff compliment, neither in the Gonarezhou nor Matetsi.
During March we welcomed back to the Gonarezhou hunting areas repeat clients from the USA on elephant hunts, the clients hunted with PH’s Nixon and Simon Dzingai and managed to harvest these two good bulls:

On another recent hunt prior to Lockdown we welcomed back a South African client on his 6th hunt with us in the Gonarezhou hunting areas Sengwe 1 and 2, this was a non-trophy non-export elephant bull and buffalo bull hunt, nice old dagga boy:

In South Africa I hunted with 4 clients that bought a big bag of game from us on our massive concession in central South Africa, I was assisted by RSA PH Bennie Breytenbaach. We hunted some great animals including this buffalo, sable, roan, bontebok, lechwe, kudus and took off a few broken horn animals. The zebras that you see are not burchells zebra they are Cape mountain zebra that are less commonly distributed across Southern Africa yet still occurring in great numbers.
Good to see the young hunters and lady hunters getting involved, including my own sons that are learning the family business:

Looking at these photos reminds me that there is truly no continent to hunt that is a strong as Africa, the species diversity combined with the wild animal numbers we have are just un-beatable the world over, wildlife truly is our wealth that has been so well protected and preserved that there has never been more wild animals in Southern Africa than there is today, thanks to conservationists that we hunters are proud to be a big part of.
Earlier in this newsletter I mentioned that there is an important offer available for African PH’s, Outfitters and Operators from DSC (Dallas Safari Club) that must be taken up.
I have been asked to distribute this offer by The Custodians Professional Hunting and Conservation organization that I am a member of all Custodian members have been asked to distribute this information, not only me. Nor can I take credit for this initiative this is DSC, OPHAA and the Custodians in action.
I do want to say here that if you are a member of a professional hunting organization that precludes you (stops you/won’t let you join) from joining OPHAA then it falls on you to resign from that today and join the Custodians for the sake of your family and for the sake of your hunting crew and their family (read on below).
I have previously asked myself what do I get for my annual membership subscriptions? I’m sure you have too, here is the answer:
This is a free offer that as I said you must take up, zero excuse not to do so. I don’t want to and am not going to get into mud singling matches here however if your PH organization won’t or can’t let you take up this FREE DSC offer then the question you must ask your leadership is why not and what viable similar alternative to this free insurance do they offer you? If you won’t listen to me and make the change then let your wife or parents read this please.
To my clients, industry friends and associates, I recommend that you all join The Custodians as they are part of the way forward in today’s Africa and need your help, it’s not expensive it’s a collective thing, you don’t need to be a PH to join, you do need to be a CONSERVATIONIST. Join and be part of the solution to the problems that face African wildlife and the hunting industry as a whole.
Contact Coira at The Custodians office to get the ball rolling:

April 2, 2020
Operators and Professional Hunting Associations of Africa
Via email to;
DSC Frontline Foundation Article for Like Minded Industry Organizations’ Magazines/Newsletters
“A Message from the DSC Frontline Foundation”
by John Patterson, President
Six years ago DSC recognized that as a hunting organization whose members rely heavily on the services of professional outfitters and guides, there needed to be a way for DSC to financially support these professionals when they suffer disabling injuries while carrying out their professional duties or help their families in the case of a fatality. DSC und
erstood that due to the nature of their hazardous professions, and its inherent dangers, financial hardships were a grim reality if unexpected accidents, or tragedy befell these hard-working professionals. Compounding the severity of unexpected events, many have limited, or zero, access to either life or health insurance. Injuries, or in the worst case the death of the breadwinner, translates into complete loss of income, and families are now left without means to support or educate their children.
Understanding these needs, DSC created, and initially funded the DSC Frontline Foundation, whose sole mission is to provide financial support to professional hunters, outfitters, guides, and their staff who put their livelihood, and oftentimes their very lives, on the FRONTLINE of risk while serving the hunting community. Over the past six years, Frontline has provided financial assistance to professional hunters, guides, game scouts, trackers and, recently included, anti-poaching personnel, and the families of those killed in the line of duty. This assistance has covered everything from search and recovery efforts, extraction from the point of injury, defraying medical expenses, loss of income, providing for children’s education, and when necessary, funeral expenses.
Any outfitter, PH, or guide who is a member of Operators and Professional Hunting Associations of Africa (“OPHAA”) is eligible for DSC Frontline Foundation assistance (this includes an outfitter’s staff who may not be OPHAA members). The only cost to you is simply the expense of maintaining your membership in OPHAA and the requirement that you be in good standing.
We urge you to keep in mind that the DSC Frontline Foundation was created for professionals like you, and it stands ready to support you. Do not hesitate to contact us when you have a qualifying need. We also urge you to promote membership in OPHAA to your friends in the professional hunting industry. In addition to supporting OPHAA, mention the benefits Frontline provides that go along with membership. The small cost of a membership is the cheapest insurance they will ever have.
More information about the DSC Frontline Foundation, including eligibility requirements and how you can support this worthy cause, may be found at or by contacting the DSC Frontline Foundation at the address or phone number below. DSC Frontline Foundation is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to the Foundation are deductible under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.
DSC Frontline Foundation
13709 Gamma Road
Dallas, Texas 75244
(972) 980-9800
I thought I may as well share this interesting article I came across on human/animal conflict in Zimbabwe for 2020 to date, please also follow the link for more info:
HARARE, Zimbabwe
Alberto Lunga is mourning the death of his uncle, who was trampled by an elephant on March 1 in Dingani village, a remote community 450 kilometres northwest of Zimbabwe’s capital Harare.
On the day, a herd of elephants got into the maize fields and damaged crops within a few minutes, prompting villagers to come out to scare them away.
“An agitated bull charged towards me and my uncle and we ran for our lives, however the elephant caught up with my uncle who was running slowly.
“The elephant hooked him with its trunk and threw him onto the tarred road two meters away. A speeding car was just passing at that moment and it hit my uncle, killing him on the spot,” Lunga narrated.
The elephant still went on to crash the lifeless body until it was tired, he said.
In a separate incident, Thomas Mupusa, 43, an employee of Zimbabwe National Railway (ZNR), was mauled by lions on May 5.
In Malonga village, which is very close to Dingani village, a baby dropped from her mother’s back was picked by some marauding lions. The mother was protecting her livestock in a farm.
“By the time help came the baby had died,” said Naison Shoko, a villager in Malonga.
Shoko added that the villages are on the boundary of Hwange National Park and are only separated by a tarred road.
Deaths and injuries due to wildlife attacks have been reported from areas close to Hwange National Park, Kariba town, Save Conservancy and Gonarezhou National Park.
Zimbabwe’s wildlife conservancies occupy 16% of the country’s total land since the wildlife population has increased exponentially.
Police issued a warning to the general public to be cautious after a truck driver was attacked by a lion in Kariba on May 26.
“A truck driver is receiving treatment at a local hospital after he was attacked by an elephant […] We urge members of the public to be observant to avoid attacks by wild animals,” said a statement issued by the police.
According to the police, wild animals have killed at least 24 people and injured 21 others in Zimbabwe since the start of this year.
Elephants, lions, buffalos, hippos, leopards and rhinos are said to be most dangerous animals in Zimbabwe.
The figures show that wild animals have killed more people in Zimbabwe than the novel coronavirus. The country has so far reported only four deaths from COVID-19.
Thank you for taking the time to read my newsletters and pass them onto your hunting friends. I do have quota and dates available for all your South African and Zimbabwean hunts, please call me or send me an email and lets work through your enquiry. Clients, PH’s, Outfitters are all welcome to contact me. Please refer to my website to see camp photos, maps and read area information for all the concessions we hunt.
Book now to avoid the post Covid rush, I think we all know that this will pass soon.
Hunters best wishes
Carl Knight
Contact Number: 0027-82-749-1747