Newsletter 86


I hope this 86th version of the Take Aim Safaris newsletter finds you well, may I also take this opportunity to wish you all a healthy, happy and prosperous 2022.

Since my last newsletter sent out in October 2021 we conducted two elephant and hippo hunts in the Gonarezhou safari areas Sengwe 1 and 2, both of those hunts were successful, here are the photos of the 60+ pounder and the 50+ pounder that were hunted during November and December, happy clients from Europe, thanks for the bookings.

Both of these hunts were guided by PH Nixon Dzingai, well done Nixon.

These concessions are getting better and better every year, the hunting quotas are so very low vs the elephant and buffalo populations that the quality of the hunts and the quality of the trophies are constantly getting better. This year will be the 5th year in a row that we have not increased our prices, in fact we are the best priced trophy elephant bull hunting operators in Africa (same goes for buffalo), to take advantage of this fact please book and hunt with us during this year as we will have a price increase towards the end of this year effective 2023 onwards.

As for the year ahead we do have a good amount of early season elephant and buffalo hunts in the Sengwe’s and Mahenye plus big cat, elephant and buffalo hunts in Matetsi that I will update you on as the season rolls out, my main reason for sending out this brief newsletter is to let you know that we are open and hunting, please email me all your hunt enquires for Zimbabwe, Botswana and South Africa. We have a stunning game reserve in the Tuli Block of Botswana for plains game hunting, take a look at Lotsane, Botswana on my website.

Clients, Agents, PH’s, Outfitters and Operators please contact me for a quote on your upcoming hunts.

As always thanks for taking the time to read my newsletters and thanks for passing them onto your hunting friends.

Hunters best wishes.

Carl Knight

Contact Number: 0027-82-749-1747