Newsletter 81


I trust this 81st edition of the Take Aim Safaris newsletter finds you well.

Since my last newsletter in June we have done a few local hunter hunts in South Africa and also in Zimbabwe that I can update you on here, we have also started to welcome international clients back into Zimbabwe that opened on the 1st October for tourism including hunting, since then I have had a hunter from Germany arriving and I know of American hunters that are hunting with a friend of mine in Matetsi, things are moving along albeit slowly.

We sincerely hope that things normalize soon as 2020 has been a bumpy ride down here in Southern Africa, I can’t predict the future from a Covid perspective suffice to say that we are all healthy and well here and that you can travel here with the confidence that things are as they always have been in Africa, we know that before long you hunters will find a way to get here, when you do arrive we will be waiting for you.

Starting in Matetsi Zimbabwe PH Steve Meyer guided this local hunter hunt during August/September:

During September I hunted with local hunters in South Africa, I was assisted on the hunt by PH’s Mias Steyn and Bennie Breytenbaach we hunted some wonderful trophy bulls including this 44 inch buffalo, a 43 inch buffalo, a 48 inch sable and a great old white rhino bull, I have a few of these old rhino bulls available if there are any hunters reading this wanting to complete their big 5 let me know. I have lots of quota available on buffalo, sable, roan, elephant and general plains game in South Africa.

In October we welcomed a client from Germany into the Matetsi Safari area of Zimbabwe on an elephant hunt, the hunt was guided by PH Shawn Kelly, the hunters managed to hunt this very good old elephant bull that is estimated as a 70 pounder, a great old bull. Take a look at this buffalo that Shawn saw standing in the road one morning. Thanks to Adler Tours (Germany) for the booking.

Thanks for taking the time to read my newsletters and pass them onto your hunting friends, please let me know if you are interested in a hunt in South Africa or Zimbabwe in 2021 and we can work out a deal for you, easy booking terms are available. We are not increasing our prices for the 2021 season at all, you can view our 2021 pricelists for South Africa and Zimbabwe on our website

As for me I am getting ready to attend the hunting shows in the USA and Europe 2021 and I am bringing the best of African big game hunting with me.

Hunters best wishes

Carl Knight

Contact Number: 0027-82-749-1747